Friday, May 2, 2008

Please Disregard the Following Posting

It has happened again, really it is a mere technological leap toward the absurd, a hall of mirrors, a "schlechtes Unendigkeit." Where we see a representation of a representation of a representation, (oder ein Gleichnis von ein Gleichnis...) which Oppermann will find funny or disturbing or entirely irrelevant at any given moment. Plato made this comic problem present in "the Parmenides," the problem of the "third form" I think it is called, where "toi eidoi" "the forms" are problematized: each form or ideal must be related to the fallen or "real" presentation of the idea by virtue of the form of relating the ideal to the mere shadow of appearance that we perceive.

1 comment:

falkenburger said...

request granted: posting has been disregarded.

dr. oppermann, by the grace of sophia, etc.