Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oppermannian Greatness in Arcadia

I just found this photo on a contact sheet from times that were directly arcadian. An evening where we were all drinking wine with Lisa Lane, Paul Raphaelson, Cresswell, Theresa, and myself. This image I think is great. Almost as great as Wolfgang Ambrose who is fucking great. There is something of the young Dylan also to this image.

This is Oppermann in Praxis: and praxis intends a presence or intimacy of self. I have to start this series with this image of Oppermann in true praxis, with the true Dionysian wine: there we see the European Intellectual Aristocracy, still in the unknowing stage, nevertheless suprisingly Chic for now what ammounts to a middle aged Dude. I think that Oppermann is truely

"drinking Nietzschean wine from Kantian vessels"

for the first time: he was probably beginning to read into Heidegger at this time. I attribute this saying to Harvey Rabbin: Oppermann tells me to stop attributing great sayings to Harvey Rabbin, but that will be another 20 years... I am just glad I can still remember a fragment of where all these potentially great things came from.

There is an issue of metonymy here: all these images are largely "Over Exposed": what we have left are the fragments, the tessera of images from which to construct the whole. I would not wish at all to return to the Arcadian: I was too impoverished to fully appreciate these times. However I would say that the fragmentary re-constellation of these shattered images is part of the intense great tapestry of the terrifying "negative" turning and turning of the present moment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Justin, Do you know where I could find Harvey or Marcelle Rabbin? I was a student of Marcelle's and friend of them both from their CO days. - Mary