Thursday, April 24, 2008

Friendship: an Etymological Unsettling

To love. Contracted from *pri- (becoming *priy- before vowels).Derivatives include filibuster, friend, and Friday. 1. Suffixed form *priy-o-. a. free, from Old English freo, free, and fron, freogan, to love, set free; b. filibuster, freebooter, from Dutch vrij, free. Both a and b from Germanic *frijaz, beloved, belonging to the loved ones, not in bondage, free, and *frijn, to love. 2. Suffixed (participial) form *priy-ont-, loving. friend, from Old English frond, frond, friend, from Germanic *frijand-, lover, friend. 3. Suffixed shortened form *pri-tu-. a. Siegfried, from Old High German fridu, peace; b. affray, afraid, from Old French esfreer, to disturb, from Vulgar Latin *exfredre, to break the peace, from ex-, out, away (see eghs) + *fridre, to make peace, from Germanic *frithu-, peace; c. Germanic *frij-, peace, safety, in compound *berg-frij- (see bhergh-2). a–c all from Germanic *frithuz, peace. 4. Suffixed feminine form *priy--, beloved. a. Frigg, from Old Norse Frigg, goddess of the heavens, wife of Odin; b. Friday, from Old English Frgedæg, Friday, from Germanic compound *frije-dagaz, “day of Frigg” (translation of Latin Veneris dis, “Venus's day”). Both a and b from Germanic *frijj, beloved, wife. (Pokorny pri- 844.)

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