Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Oppermann In Praxis

This is an inaugural web log for my still extant friend Oppermann. Still living. Not dying! Another 20 years! And then again maybe yet another and another 20 years!

This twenty years or so gives us a special glimpse at the more than 20 years that Oppermann has been a German Immigrant, for example in this country, yet the discourse on German Immigrants, and the "wish to become a Red Indian." Oppermann rightly criticizes as a kind of American phenomenon that exists in a kind of denial of praxis... perhaps a denial of nearness.

"Near is and difficult to grasp the God" (Friedrich Holderlin)

This does not make Oppermann a god of any sort of the stretch of the imagination, aside from perhaps a "gotliche Geck!" "a godly dude." More on this later.

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